Reliable weighing systems since 1980s: A case story of the collaboration between Orkla and Eilersen

A Case Study on Eilersen Capacitive Load Cells

Orkla Foods Danmark A/S (Orkla) has always prioritized accuracy and reliability in its operations to ensure the quality of their products. To uphold these values, Orkla partnered with Eilersen back in the 1980s.

About Orkla

Orkla operates three factories in Denmark. They produce a variety of food products, including jams, dressings, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and meat substitutes under local brands like Den Gamle Fabrik, Beauvais, Bähncke, and Naturli’.

Weighing systems in the food industry

Weighing is not just important, but critical in the food industry. Orkla, like many other manufacturers of consumer products, relies on accurate and reliable weighing systems to ensure the quality of their products.

When Eilersen started working with Orkla in the 1980s, it was sparked by a need for weighing systems which could provide accurate measurements in harsh, wet environments where electronics and water typically do not mix well. The answer? Capacitive loads from Eilersen.

Eilersen’s comprehensive approach to weighing systems addresses Orkla’s critical needs for accuracy, ease of use, and reliability. By implementing Eilersen’s load cells, Orkla has significantly enhanced its operational efficiency, product consistency, and quality.

A weighing system designed for ease of use

In our interview with Kim Enghave Madsen, a key decision-maker as the Operations Manager at Orkla in Skælskør, he underscored the importance of ‘ease of use’. For him, the ability to use and maintain the weighing system without the need for external assistance and comprehensive service plans is a game changer, not just for him, but for Orkla as a whole.

User-friendly by design

Eilersen’s weighing systems are designed with user-friendly features like easy-to-read displays and intuitive messages. Kim Enghave Madsen highlights how the self-maintenance capabilities have been a game-changer. “Performing cable replacements, system resets, and calibrations ourselves without external help has streamlined our operations,” he says. This reduces downtime and cuts operational costs, making daily tasks more efficient for his team.

Built to last

Eilersen’s load cells deliver reliable performance even under very harsh conditions. Kim Enghave Madsen notes their impressive long lifetime and reliability, with systems from the 1980s still working perfectly—despite daily cleaning with harsh chemical products and high-pressure washers. During his time at Orkla, Kim has experienced malfunctions in other instrumentation but not with Eilersen products. “Remarkably, these systems have been functioning flawlessly for over 40 years,” he adds, highlighting their durability and reliability.

Built for accuracy

Accuracy is paramount for Orkla, particularly when maintaining the correct mixing ratios of ingredients. According to Kim Enghave Madsen, Eilersen’s weighing systems meet this need with unmatched accuracy and precision. He emphasizes that, unlike flow meters, which can vary in reliability, weighing ensures each ingredient is measured precisely, guaranteeing the consistency and quality of Orkla’s products. The ability to deliver and document consistent quality will only become more important in the future, according to Kim Enghave Madsen, as he anticipates more regulatory requirements in the food industry.

Nobody wants downtime: “100% uptime for more than 5 years”

Durability and Eilersen load cells go hand-in-hand. Kim Enghave Madsen, Operations Manager at Orkla, emphasizes this point:

“Most of our Eilersen load cells were installed back in the 1980s. I’ve had close to zero issues with them.”

Kim also shares:

“I have only been at Orkla for five years, and during this time, we’ve experienced 100% uninterrupted uptime with Eilersen’s weighing systems, even in our largest vessel, which endure some of the harshest conditions in our production lines. The reliability and durability of these systems have been crucial for our operation.”

Choosing a weighing system that can withstand tough conditions without sacrificing accuracy is critical. Eilersen’s solutions have proven to be accurate, reliable, and easy to use, ensuring continuous operation without the worry of downtime—since the 1980s.

If you are looking for a reliable weighing systems supplier, contact us today to explore how we can enhance your operations.


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